Your Smooth MIX DIVA
Who knew my passion for music would lead me to becoming a Radio DJ and Morning Show Personality, certainly not I but here I am my phenominal self on the air weekly. I love the radio industry and where Podcasting is evolving. I can't wait to see the next progression of the industry and where I'll develop within it. I play a variety of soul moving grooves on a National Internet Radio station.
I'm currently a podcast Host for Lunch Live with Lucy and The Motorcity Foodettes food review show. While working as an Audio Board Operator for two local radio stations. Along with being an On-Air Morning Show personality. Below are my audio demos for you to take a listen to. Contact me through my agent reps at F.Y.E. Detroit to book me for an event or Voiceover work.
I have experience in Multimedia Radio and Video Production, if you're in need of servics for YouTube or any Social Media platform contact me. My rates ate negotiable.
Agent – F.Y.E. Detroit Promos & Multimedia Productions
a division of HHE LLC
10254 Gratiot Ave, Unit 13204
Detroit, MI 48213
Tel: 313.451-2659